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Estate Planning Emerges As a Critical Need, Timely Opportunity Amidst Pandemic

As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to sweep through the United States, schools are shuttering for the Fall session, employers are extending remote work plans, and the nation’s healthcare system is preparing for an upward trend in positive COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and, sadly, deaths. With the rates at which people have suddenly fallen ill and become incapacitated from…

Contracts & Transactions

Contracts & Transactions Contracts are the foundation upon which all commercial relationships rest. From a consumer’s acceptance of terms and conditions using a website or app, to employment agreements with employees, to the purchase of a competitor’s business, contracts form the basis of everyday business relationships and document major changes in the company’s future. They […]

The Art and Science of Selling Your Business

The art and science of selling your business - a practical guide by accomplished business attorneys

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